The year 2015 marks the 5th year of the Thai Government’s Decade of Action for Road Safety policy since its announcement in 2011. The key objective of the policy is to reduce the road traffic death rate down to the international standard of below 10 per 100,000 people in 2020. Eight measures have been targeted for action in order to achieve such goal, including promoting helmet use, reducing drunk driving, speed management, road users’ capability development, black spots improvement, vehicle standard enhancement, emergency medical services and patient treatment and rehabilitation improvement and related administrative system development.This report presents Thailand’s road safety situations using statistical data up until the sources, including death certificate, Royal Thai Police and insurance, has been able to provide a more accurate number of road fatalities. Such integration of the data represents improvements in related data administration and management. It is undeniable that there will be many other challenges in the implementation of the Thai Government’s Decade of Action for Road Safety policy. Thus, we hope that the significant progress of the policy made notice in this report will provide the moral supports for everyone in related agencies to keep on with the good work and continuing efforts in order to have the policy’s ultimate goal successfully achieved year 2013. It has been found that since the policy announcement, the number of road traffic deaths has slowly declined (22,487 people killed in 2011 to 21,645 people killed in 2013). However, the severity level of road accidents has been on the rise, but due to the limitation of the data used this report, it is therefore relatively difficult to conclude the actual causes of such trend.