Motorcycle Helmet Use in Thailand 2010-2012

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Motorcycle Helmet Use in Thailand 2010-2012
ThaiRoads Foundation
Thai Health Promotion Foundation

The Thailand Motorcycle Helmet Use Observational Survey (TMHOS) is a large-scale nationwide survey providing information about motorcycle helmet use rates in Thailand. With continuing support from the Thai Health Promotion Foundation, the survey has been conducted annually since 2010 by ThaiRoadsFoundation and Road Safety Watch Network. The main objective of TMHOS is to monitor the helmet wearing behaviourof motorcyclists in Thailand through a roadside observational survey. The data from the survey, which has been undertaken annually since 2010, have also provided the basis for monitoring and evaluation of the Nationwide Campaign of 100% Motorcycle Helmet Use, which was launched by the Royal Thai Government in 2011. It is found that from 2010-2012, overall helmet use in Thailand that require all motorcyclists to wear helmets do not significantly change. In 2012, 52% of motorcycle drivers was found to wear a helmet. For motorcycle passengers, helmet use rate was only 20%, which is significantly lower.  

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